It was the last teacher appreciation luncheon of the year n the theme was “somewhere over the rainbow” so somewhere I knew I had most of what I needed to turn the tables into an array of beautiful colors. Each table was shades of one color…red, yellow, green, blue n my favorite orange. I used things I had at home, bought somethings old n new n found somethings here n there. An eclectic array of different heights, textures, shades, layers n elements make the tablescape more beautiful n appealing to the eye. I prefer using organic materials fabric tablecloths, glass, terra cotta, ceramic, candles, metal, real fruit plants n flowers…I stay away from plastic unless it’s fantastic plastic 🙂 I also made a huge rainbow that went on the outside building over the buffet table…dollar tree store colored tissue paper, card stock boards, shipping tape n Elmer’s school glue…my years at preschool came in handy. You can take simple things n make them fabulous just by how u use n display them…don’t be afraid to step out of the box n use items u would’ve never thought to.
2 thoughts on “rainbows n tables”
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Sounds sooo delicious and yummy :))
enjoy it my friend!!!